Post-It Gratitude

A while back, I needed a stack of Post-It notes for a project.  It occurred to me then how grateful I was for Post-It notes and their ability to convey important information in a particular place, on a temporary basis.  Whether it’s “Please sign here” on a document, “Remember shopping bags” on the door to the garage, or “I love you” left on the bathroom mirror, they are an elegant solution to a communication need.

Which got me thinking, how many other mundane things are there in our lives that we don’t pause to fully appreciate?  How many of our needs are met without our awareness?  Can we raise our awareness of these moments when we’ve been served by something or someone and allow ourselves to rest, even for a few seconds, in gratitude?

Pausing now to look around you, how many things, material or conceptual, can you recognize as having helped to meet a need of yours? Maybe you’d like keep a pad of Post-It notes and a pen handy near the fridge so you can jot down the things you realize you’re grateful for each day, and see how quickly the front of the fridge fills up, and how you feel each time you look at all the many ways your needs are met.

May all beings have their needs met, and rest in grateful awareness of that fact,

Your friends at CMP

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