Oiling the Gates to the Heart

Many Buddhists believe that beings live an infinite number of lives, and that, as a result, every being has served as one's mother, and every being has been one's child, no matter if that being is currently male, female, young, old, animal, human… .  

Whether or not this is part of your belief system, imagining ourselves as someone’s mother can help to unlock a shared sense of joy for the joy that others are experiencing and, when we do this, a whole world of joy opens up to us. A smile on anyone’s face becomes a smile that we feel invested in.  Another’s contentment is something we can celebrate.  The safety and well-being of a stranger can, over time and with practice, become something to cherish.  Even the good fortune of someone who tends to rub us the wrong way can spark joy in our hearts if we imagine that person as a loved one.

It sounds far-fetched, but you may find that the gates to the heart can be easily oiled by the imagination.  

We invite you to join us this week as we practice finding joy in the joy of others.

May all beings without exception feel the love of infinite mothers,

Your friends at CMP

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