I Feel Good - So Good, So Good

Recently, a hair stylist shared that the way she works means that she spends full days in front of a mirror, and that this can be really depleting.  The constant self-evaluation that comes when we see ourselves from outside ourselves can begin to take a toll.

If we let them, outward appearances can affect how we see ourselves.  For example, as we get older, we may feel healthy and vibrant, and when we look in the mirror we may be surprised to see the wrinkles, the gray hair, and leaner face, the loosening skin….  If we put more credence in how we look than how we feel, we may begin to feel “old”.

Conversely, “seeing” ourselves from the inside can be incredibly affirming, and restorative.  A friend was recently diagnosed with a condition which will only affect her appearance.  The progression of this condition is unknowable both in terms of extent and timing.  With the awareness and diagnosis of this condition came deep unease, as well as fear, sadness and a bit of anxiety.  

When anxiety about the changes in her appearance arises, she takes a moment to do a brief body scan - bringing attention to different areas of her body, noticing sensations that are present, including the absence of sensations (which she has come to feel as “peace”). She is able to sense into her health and well-being, deliberately putting more weight on her inner experience when assessing how she is doing.  When she does that, she can’t help but hearing James Brown singing, “I feel good, so good, so good!” and it makes her smile.

This isn’t to say that the lived experience in the body will always feel good, but by sensing in to the body, we’ll be aware of when we do feel good.

We hope you can join us this week as we bring awareness to our inner experience in the body.

May all beings everywhere without exception enjoy a sense of well-being from the inside out.


Your friends at CMP

James Brown

James Brown